Skills &


We design, develop and manage your Cloud applications and assist you with migrating and re-platforming of your exisiting on-premise apps into the Microsoft Azure Cloud.

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We integrate generative AI based on Open Source Foundation models and Azure Open AI into apps, develop machine learning solutions and create advanced data analytics platforms based on Microsoft Fabric.


We create easy to use web apps using Angular, React and Progressive Web Apps, develop lean and secure middleware and integrate with your enterprise backends like Office 365, SAP, Salesforce and many others.


Our services cover the entire spectrum from sensors's connectivity over visualization and reporting of systems conditions to integration of Cloud and edge services for AI and analytics.


We design and develop cross-platform mobile apps for line-of-business and consumer facing apps on iOS and Android using Xamarin and Cordova. For performance intensive workloads on the desktop we use .NET, WPF and UWP.


With Virtual and Augmented Reality and Microsoft HoloLens 2 as leading Mixed Reality devices we put immersive experiences in practice for R&D, production, sales, aftersales, services and training.


The ease of use of software has become a decisive success factor for digital systems. We conceive and design interaction for modern software that users enjoy using.


We enable collaborative teamwork in your company anytime, anywhere and on any device by providing Microsoft 365, Teams and other productivity tools securely in the cloud.

Consulting & Strategy
There are many approaches to the implementation of digital transformation projects: Decisive here is the formulation of goals without being driven too early by potentially limiting factors in a certain direction. We support you with fresh ideas, as a sparring partner for new digital business models, in the modernization of your software and the selection of suitable technologies. And because we also implement what we advise, we only recommend what works in practice.
Software Architecture
The architecture of your software solution is one of the most critical and important points in implementing digital transformation projects. Our software architects have a comprehensive overview of current and future technologies and assess them in relation to their task. Wherever, where appropriate, we implement your IIoT, CRM or AI software in the Azure Cloud based on Serverless Functions, which gives you maximum flexibility with low operating costs.
User Experience
We live Next Generation User Experience: As early adopters, we access new trends and technologies at an early stage. We have been working on topics such as Mixed Reality with the Microsoft HoloLens or the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) since the beginning. We attach particular importance to excellent usability and user experience. In joint workshops we define the „look and feel“ of the visual design with you. This prototyping contributes to the validation of cost estimates and user stories in the Product Backlog at an early stage.
Whether enterprise software, Mixed Reality or connected IIoT solutions: We develop lightweight and scalable architectures in agile Scrum teams, implement user-centered web systems, portals, apps for smartphones and tablets, voice and AI applications. To ensure our high quality software, we use automated test procedures within the sprints with unit, UI and E2E tests. We only work with permanently employed developers who are based at our company locations in Germany.
Agile Project Management
The respective conditions determine the choice of methodology: agile or classic (waterfall). We are at home in both worlds. Our experienced Scrum Masters, Product Owners, or Project Managers are experts in their field and work with your responsibles on an equal footing. Especially innovation projects for the implementation of digital transformation increasingly require an agile mindset and a similar implementation. We coach and accompany you to agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, TDD, FDD, etc. and thus ensure that you do not necessarily achieve the planned, but the necessary goals.
Our trainings provide knowledge that you can not learn from books. We use interactive exercises that involve all participants and highlight practical applications. That’s why our trainers come from practice. They are experts in their respective fields and apply the respective methods and technologies daily in our projects. It is our claim to transfer the know-how of the solutions that we have developed for and together with our customers to them.


We help you find your IT strategy, design and software architecture on demand
We build your PoC, product or project and integrate into your enterprise IT end 2 end for an agile fix price
Software Development
We provide a highly skilled team to support your dev or design project on a time and material base
We deploy, monitor and maintain your IT infrastructure and software in the cloud
We deliver individual trainings and know how transfer for teams and individuals
We'd love the opportunity to work together.
360° digital services
Turning Wheel Turning Wheel Center